APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper - I (General Essay) previous paper- 2011





Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                   Max . Marks: 150

Note: The candidate has to write three essays, one essay from each section compulsorily.

            Each section has three topics. Each essay carries 50 marks.



1. Reality shows have become a major part of the prime-time television. They are influencing mindset of numerous households making them believe and live in a hypothetical world State the effect of reality shows on our society. 

2. With constant rise in global temperatures, green. house gases and global sea levels, it is disastrous that climate change talks at Copenhagen between major nations have failed to come to a consensus. Explain why our leaders have failed to come to a mutual understanding for combating climate change.

3. With advent of new technologies every year the need for human touch keeps descending. New technologies have surely made life easier, but is this taking away from our basic necessities to maintain personal - physical relations with our fellow human beings?



4. With Portugal, Greece, Italy and Spain starting at a bleak future, the world economic situation can be considered to be in a dire state. With developing economies being highly dependent on their developed counterparts for investments, there will be an effect on stock markets, employment and balance of payments. State your reasons whether or not the developing world will be affected.

5.The relations of India with the ASEAN countries is part of the Look East Policy. Does the same hold good with the Indo - EU relations? Do they follow Look West Policy Elucidate.

6. The concept of development is pushed down from the top by the MNCs bypassing nation states. This misplaced conception of development is not totally favoured by the states and the people in the developing world for socio economic and political reasons. It there a way to integrate or combine the two different conceptions of development of the free market and the individual state?


7. There are a variety of public - private partnerships models on which the government relies upon. Explain various models with illustrations. Comment on the PPP model in Rajiv Gandhi International Airport at Hyderabad.

8. Discuss the initiatives of the Andhra Pradesh Government with regard to Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA), a centrally sponsored literacy programme, outlining its objectives, functions and impact.

9. Democratic decentralization or Panchayati Raj aims at making democracy real by bringing the millions into the functioning of their representative government at the lowest level. However, parallel bodies at various levels diluted its aims and functions. Discuss with illustrations from Andhra Pradesh.

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