APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper-II (History & Indian Constitution) Previous Paper-2011





Time: 3 Hours                                                                                                                Max, Marks: 150

Note: The candidate has to answer 15 Questions @5 Questions from each section.

            Each Question carries 10 marks.


1. (a) Bring out the salient features of the Indus and Vedic Civilizations in a comparative perspective.


      (b) Examine the factors responsible for the rise and growth of Jainism and Buddhism.

2. (a) Discuss the impact of Islam on Indian culture. with special reference to the Bhakti movements.


      (b) Assess the contribution of Mughals to Indian Art and Architecture with examples.

3. (a) Critically examine the Economic, Political and Administrative reforms introduced by the British in Modern India.


    (b) Trace the evolution of Indian Nationalism with reference to the three phases of the Freedom Struggle between the           years 1885 – 1947.

4. (a) Describe the rise and growth of socio-religious reform movements in Modern India with special reference to Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Jyotiba Phule and Narayana Guru.


     (b) Compare and contrast the views of Mahatma Gandhi and Ambedkar with regard to the abolition of untouchability and Harijan upliftment.

5. (a) Account for the rise and growth of peasant and working-class movements and their contribution in anti-feudal and anti-colonial struggles.


 (b) Trace the course of events leading to the Partition of India in 1947.



6. (a) Discuss the socio-economic and religious conditions during the period of Satavahanas in Ancient Andhra Desha.


       (b) Write an essay on the growth of Buddhism in Ancient Andhra Desha and the salient features of Buddhist Art and Architecture with examples.

7. (a) Describe the socio-economic conditions in Medieval Andhra Desha with special reference to the Kakatiyas.


(b) Evaluate the contribution of Qutub Shahis to the Telugu language and literature.

8. (a) Trace the origin and growth of Adi-Andhra Movement in Modern Andhra Desha and examine the role of Gurram Jashuva and Boyi Bheemanna in the growth of Dalit consciousness.


        (b) Critically examine the role of Socialists and Communists in the Freedom Movements in Andhra Desha between the                   years 1935 - 1947.

9. (a) Bring out the significance of socio-cultural awakening in Telangana with reference to the role of Adi-Hindu and Andhra Mahasabha Movements.


       (b) Critically examine the role of Hyderabad State Congress in the Freedom Movement of the Nizam State.

10. (a) Assess the role of Communists in the Telangana Peoples Armed Struggle.


(b) Trace the course of events leading to the formation of Andhra Pradesh.


11. (a) The Constitution postulates in its Preamble that India shall be a Secular Republic. What are the Constitutional provisions consistent to this declaration?


     (b) Trace the genesis and development of Uniform Civil Code in India. Cite authoritative judgments n this issue.

12. (a) What are the principles adopted by the Courts in an irreconcilable conflict between a law made by the Parliament and a law made by the State legislature?


        (b) Give instance wherein the Constitution provides control of the Union over the States.

13. (a) Explain the conflict resolution mechanism in case of deadlock between the two houses of a State legislature on a piece of legislation.


     (b) There is no constitutional basis to claim absolute immunity from Parliamentary proceedings. Explain with reference to leading cases.

14. (a) Explain the Constitutional guarantee to the Right to Property in the light of the 44th Amendment Act.


          (b) The basic structure of the Constitution in effect limits the amending power of the Parliament. Discuss

15. (a) Explain the powers and functions of the Human Rights Commission.


        (b) Examine the classification of Scheduled Castes within the Constitutional scheme.


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