APPSC Gr. I Mains General English Previous Paper-2011



1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:                                            20

        One day while Galileo was aimlessly walking about in the streets of Pisa, he happened to stop in front of the great cathedral. He looked at the beautiful arches as though he were seeing them for the first time. He had passed them by often, but never really taken much notice of them. Almost without thinking he entered the cathedral, perhaps to look more closely at its magnificent interior, perhaps to pray. We shall never know, but we do know that as he stepped into the calm, serene quiet of the church, he was unknowingly coming to the turning point in his life.

          Galileo sat down on a bench and looked around at the beautiful altar, the colourful mosaics and the marble pillars that had been brought from Greek and Roman ruins to build the cathedral hundreds of years ago. Suddenly, something moving caught his eye. Some workmen, who were making repairs in the building, had set the great lamp swinging.

        Fascinated, Galileo rose and watched it. Strange! It started swinging in a wide arc, but as the arc of its swing became smaller, its swinging became slower. He put the fingers of his right hand to the pulse on his left wrist, as he had been taught in medical school. To the regular beating of his pulse, he began timing the swinging of the lamp. Stranger still I No matter what the size of the arc, the time it took for the lamp to make one complete swing was the same! Even though, after a while, the swinging of the lamp slowed down considerably, it made no difference in the total time it took to cover the distance of the arc.

i. Which words tell us that Galileo had no special reason for walking in the streets of Pisa?

ii. What did Galileo do after entering the church?

iii. How do we know that Galileo is not seeing the arches for the first time?

iv. Why did Galileo enter the cathedral?

v. What did Galileo observe suddenly?

vi. What did Galileo notice about the lamp?

vii. How did he calculate the time of the swinging?

viii. Where did he learn this method of calculation? inside the church?

ix. Which three words describe the atmosphere

x. What was the discovery that Galileo made after observing the lamp?

2. Read the passage given below and make a precis of it in one - third its original length. Give an appropriate title for the passage. Use the special sheets for writing the precis.                                     15

       Environmental pollution is, generally, the poisonin of the Earth's air, water and soil. Usually, pollution is caused by man. The fuels man burns for power give off poisonous waste products into the air. His industries dump their waste Products into streams and his garbage befouls land and water. When large enough quantities of waste pollute the environment, all living things can be harmed and even destroyed. The word pollution comes from the Latin word ' polluere’ meaning to befoul or make unclean. It refers to both impurities and upsets in the natural environment. Until the twentieth century, pollution almost always involved air or water. But now other aspects of the environment are polluted as well. When large hoardings with advertisements mar the scenic beau ty of a landscape, when pesticides enter the food chains of animals, and when loud noises disturb a neighbourhood's peace and quiet, pollution occurs.

       What is considered pollution in one situation may b useful elsewhere, however. Organic wastes that pollute waterways, for instance, can be beneficial if used in a field as fertilizer. But, in general, pollution inter feres with the environment's capacity to support different forms of life (190 words)

3. Read the sentences given below. Rearrange them in sequential order to form a meaningful and logical paragraph.                                                                                       10

 i. One day, after hunting down a buffalo and having a hearty meal, the lion was returning to his cave. 

ii." Please accept me as your servant. "

iii. The jackal was indeed happy, as he never had to go in search of food in the dense forest.

iv. He met a jackal on the way, who came to him and said, " O king, you are the mightiest of all animals“.

v. Soon, the starving jackal became fat and strong.

vi. Although he was strong, he never troubled other animals without reason.

vii. From that day onwards, the jackal served the lion and in return always had a full meal from the leftovers.

viii. In ancient India, a huge lion lived in the forests of the Himalayan mountain ranges.

ix. The lion was kind and said, " As you wish, o jackal '.

x. The jackal was smart because he knew he would not have to hunt any more, and would live on the leftovers of the lion's meals.

4. Correct any ten of the following sentences:    20

 i. I would like to leaved a message for Mr. Paul.

ii. My father, Mr. Alam Khan had been gone Mumbai yesterday.

iii. Could you helps me, please?

iv. There are the tallest buildings than this in Bengaluru.

v. Did you ever went to Srisailam?

vi. It was made up of steel.

vii. The weather will be warm here always.

viii. Kavitha is having a new mobile phone.

ix. Two of our friends selected to play in the cricket team.

x. He know many famous actors.

xi. Dogs can be easily train.

xii. One of her daughter is a singer.

5. Give synonyms of any ten of the following:             10

 i. arrive                ii. heavy                   iii. tiny                  iv. speak

v. clean                 vi. answer               vii. delete            viii. costly

ix. delay                x. huge                     xi. Happy             xii. quick

6. Give antonyms of any ten of the following: 10

 i. old                  ii. alive                  iii. inside               iv. busy

v. easy                vi. early                vii. wrong             viii. useless

ix. Dark               x. fat                     xi. brave               xii. noisy

7. Fill in the blanks in any ten of the following sentences using suitable articles / prepositions / conjunctions:                      10

i. We made a hole in the paper ______ put it into the box.

ii. Making dolls is one of ________oldest crafts of the world.

iii. He looked like _______ average Indian student in his jeans and T - Shirt

iv. They lived _____ simple life.

v. Boiling water gives _______ water vapour in the form of steam.

vi. Rahul worked very hard ______ did not get more marks than Vani.

vii. Vidya saw _____ taxi coming towards her at great speed.

viii. I'm so sad that my lamp is broken ________ bits.

ix. How many hours will this train take _______ here to Pune?

x. ________we had a holiday I went to my office to collect some papers.

xi. Sridhar ______ Shabir joined the college football team.

xii. We could not eat the cake __________ ants in it.

8. Write the correct spelling of any ten of the following:              10

i. recievd                ii. Advirtisemint           iii. pychology              iv. benifit

v. comunication           vi. sistemeticaly         vii. encyklopedia       viii. Acheivment

ix. mystireus                  x. desanpenring        xi. fourbiden               xii. Admmition

9. Make sentences with five of the following pairs of words clearly bringing out the difference in meaning between the two words. Choose any five of the pairs.                                 10

 i. mind (as verb) — mind (as noun)

ii. wind (as verb) ----- wind (15 noun)

iii. fast (as noun) ----- fast (as adverb)

iv. red - read

v. waste – waist

 vi. hear here

 vii. present (as noun) - present (as verb)

10. Give appropriate one - word substitutes for any five of the following expressions:             5

i. to change from one language to another

ii. returning sound

iii. that which can be seen

iv. of the nation

v.  one who cannot read and write

vi. that which cannot be eaten

vii. state in which no sounds are heard

11. Use any ten of the following idiomatic expressions in sentences of your own making the meaning clear:                                                                                                                                    20

i. to stab in the back                             vii. shed crocodile tears

ii. at the eleventh hour                        viii. hand in glove        

iii. all of a sudden                                  ix. better late than never

iv. to call back                                        x. butter someone up

v. a feather in one's cap                       xi.  sour grapes

vi. raining cats and dogs                       xii. to split hairs


12. Insert appropriate punctuation marks in the following sentences:        5

the teacher said you children over there can you hear me what are you doing are you listening to me

13. In the sentences given below some words are underlined. Identify the parts of speech of the underlined words:       5

i. Do you like coffee? " No, I don't like it.

ii. Seeing a policeman, the cyclist stopped.

iii. It was a cloudy and cold day.

iv. The traveller showed the inspector his ticket.

v. My new pen broke when it fell out of my bag. 


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