APPSC Group-I Prelims Question Paper- 1990-91


1. The call for Jharkhand State is for establishing a

1) Small State 2) Hindi speaking state

3) Tribal State 4) None of the above

2. The number of Women Judges in the Delhi High Court is

1) 3 2) 4 3) 5 4) 2

3. C – DOT is the name given to

1) A new computer language

2) Centre for Development of Telematics

3) Council for Development and Training

4) Committee of Developing Nations

4. Name the two countries which were involved in organising Peace Conference on Cambodia

1) U. S. A. – China 2) U. S. A – Cambodia

3) India – Indonesia 4) Indonesia – France

5. The unpopular tax that is said to be the catalyst for Mrs. Margaret Thatcher's downfall

1) Corporate tax 2) House tax

3) Poll tax 4) Income tax

6. The country which opposed monetary unification of Europe

1) Germany 2) France 3) Britain 4) Italy

7. The country in news for the large scale killings by drug cartels

1) Chile 2) Guatemala 3) Columbia 4) Honduras

8. The country which witnessed massive student protests for educational changes

1) Poland 2) Germany 3) France 4) Czechoslovakia

9. The recent trade talks at Brussels failed because

1) Some countries did not attend

2) Political differences among countries regarding sanctions aganist Saddam Hussein

3) Some European countries were not willing to stop subsidies to farm produce

4) None of the above

10. SDR's refer to

1) Sudanese Democratic Republic 2) Soviet Society for Democratic Rights

3) Special Drawing Rights 4) None of the above

11. The Largest Tiger reservoir in India

1) Gir forest (Gujarat) 2) Bandipur Sanctuary (Karnataka)

3) Srisailam wild life Sanctuary (A. P.) 4) Dandakaranya (M. P.)

12. Nutritional density is derived from

1) Total population divided by total Geographical area

2) Total population divided by total cultivated land

3) Total Agricultural population divided by total cultivated area

4) Human carrying capacity of an area in relation to a given land - use system.

13. India's only Island Museum

1) Nicobar Island 2) Nagarjuna Konda 3) Srirangam 4) Laccadive

14. The most highly urbanized State in India is

1) West Bengal 2) Maharashtra 3) U. P. 4) Tamilnadu

15. The District with 100% Literacy in India is

1) Trivandrum 2) Kurnool 3) Ernakulam 4) Chandigarh

16. The First Hydroelectric Project was started in India at

1) Papanashanam 2) Shiva Samudram 3) Lonavala 4) Hirakud

17. The National Highway No. 1 connects

1) Madras – New Delhi

2) Srinagar – Trivandrum

3) Calcutta – Amritsar

4) Bangalore – New Delhi

18. The location of A. P. is known as

1) continental 2) Insular 3) Littoral 4) Peninsular

19. The Governor is impeached through

1) Union Parliament 2) State Legislature

3) Supreme Court 4) cannot be impeached

20. Economic democracy is envisaged through

1) Fundamental Rights 2) Preamble

3) Directive Principles of State Policy 4) Union List

21. Started Question in the Parliament invites a

1) Written answer 2) Oral answer

3) No answer 4) Debate

22. One among the following is authorized to impose restrictions of Fundamental Rights:

1) Parliament 2) Prime Minister

3) President 4) None of the above

23. Constitution provides protection to Freedom of Press through

1) Article - 14 2) Article - 21

3) Article - 32 4) Art Article - 19

24. Sreebagh Pact was

1) Agreement between the leaders of Andhra and Rayalaseema regions

2) Agreement between the leaders of Telangana and Rayalaseema regions

3) Agreement between the leaders of Andhra and Telangana regions

4) Agreement between Telangana leaders and the Government of India

25. Ashok Mehta Committee 1979 reviews

1) Centre - State relations 2) Panchayati Raj Institutions

3) Role of the Governor 4) Working of the Public Sectors

26. The author of 'Bhavartha Dipika' is

1) Ramanujacharya 2) Jnaneswar 3) Vidyanatha 4) Mirabai

27. The author is 'Simhasana Dvatrimsika' is

1)Srinatha 2) Koravi Goparaju 3) Krishnadevaraya 4) Dhurjati

28. The year in which the famous Kakatiya temple at Palampeta (Ramappa temple) was constructed

1) 1162 A . D. 2) 1191 A. D. 3) 1206 A. D. 4) 1213 A. D.

29. The year in which Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah ascended the throne of Golconda is

1) 1512 A. D. 2) 1518 A. D. 3) 1580 A. D. 4) 1591 A. D.

30. 'Paccala Someswara Temple' is in this place

1) Warangal 2) Alampur 3) Vemulawada 4) Panagal

31. 'Chintala Venkata Ramana Temple' is in this place

1) Tadipatri 2) Lepakshi 3) Penugonda 4) Chandragiri

32. The term 'Naskh' is related to

1) Weapons of War 2) Hindustani Music

3) Muslim Calligraphy 4) Administrative system

33. The foreign traveller who visited the port of Motupalli during the Kakatiya period

1) Ibn Batuta 2) Marco Polo 3) Abdur Razack 4) Nicolo Conti

34. The famous Ramappa temple at Palampeta was built by

1) Ganapati Deva 2) Recherla Rudra

3) Jayapa Nayaka 4) Mallikarjuna Nayaka

35. Who among the following Vijayanagara rulers, resolved the conflict between the Jainas and the Vaishnavas ?

1) Devaraya – II 2) Harihara – I 3) Bukka - I 4) Saluva Narasimha

36. The name of the Mughal Governor who Nizam - ul - Mulk defeated and became the First Nizam of Hyderabad

1) Abul Hasan Tanashah 2) Hasan Quli Khan 3) Mubariz Khan 4) Azam Shah

37. The Telugu personality who prepared a design for the National Flag which was later adopted as the National Flag with some changes.

1) Hari Sarvottama Rao 2) Swami Ramanand Tirtha

3) Duggirala Gopalakrishnayya 4) Pingali Venkayya

38. The Telugu personality who is known by the title 'Desabhakta'

1) Tanguturi Prakasam 2) Konda Venkatappayya

3) Kashinathuni Nageshwara Rao 4) Madapati Hanumantha Rao

39. The year in which the Battle of Padmanabha was fought in Andhra

1) 1794 2) 1799 3) 1803 4) 1805

40. The name of the place with which the famous no-tax campaign in Andhra is associated during the Freedom Movement in Andhra

1) Chirala 2) Perala 3) Pedanandipadu 4) Nellore

41. The ruler who was described as Trisamudra dhipati was

1) Vikramaditya - VI 2) Pulakesin - II

3) Gautamiputra Satakarni 4) Vinayaditya

42. The King who was defeated by Malik Kafur was

1) Rudrammadevi 2) Yadava Ramachandra

3) Vira Ballala 4) Narasimha - I

43. The founder of the Home Rule Movement was

1) Annie Besant 2) Gopala Krishna Gokhale

3) Dada Bhai Naoroji 4) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

44. The most important feature of the Act of 1935 was the introduction of

1) Dyarchy 2) Adult Franchise

3) Provincial Autonomy 4) Separate electorate

45. Balwant Rai Mehta Committee Report is associated With

1) Panchayat Raj 2) Community Development

3) Planning Commission 4) Zonal Councils

46. Diamond and emerald are made of

1) Carbon 2) Silica

3) Silica and Beryllium 4) Carbon and beryllium

47. One of the constituents of Gobar gas is

1) Methane 2) Ethane

3) Carbon dioxide 4) Calcium sulphate

48. In the human body fats are stored in

1) epithelial cells 2) adipose tissue

3) epidermis 4) liver

49. The ductless glands in the human body which secrete hormones are called

1) exocrine glands 2) endocrine glands

3) epithelial glands 4) metabolic glands

50. In an oxygen tube, which of the following gases is preferred these days to be mixed with oxygen?

1) nitrogen 2) helium 3) argon 4) carbon dioxide

51. The first democratic government of Nepal is headed by one of the following :

1) Mr. Bhattarai 2) N. C. Koirala

3) Mr. Bakshi 4) Surya Bahadur Thapa

52. The Tehri Dam in Uttar Pradesh is held up because of

1) Foreign aid not forthcoming 2) Opposition by envornmentalists

3) Change of site 4) Regional disputes

53. Remains of Harappa city have been unearthed in

1) Uttar Pradesh 2) Bihar 3) New Delhi 4) Gujarat

54. Which of the following is true of Ernaculam district in Kerala ?

1) It has highest density of population in India

2) It has achieved hundred percent literacy

3) It has highest percentage of unemployment

4) It is a famous hill station

55. The Commander - in - Chief of the Indian Army is

1) Rajula Khan 2) Saxena

3) S. F. Rodrigues 4) None of the above

56. The legendary city recently excavated was

1) Hastinapura 2) Pataliputra 3) Ayodhya 4) Dwaraka

57. Name the two countries which were involved in the Tin Bigha issue

1) Pakistan - India 2) India – Bangladesh

3) Bangladesh – Pakistan 4) India - Lanka

58. The URUGUAY Round of Multilateral Trade operated under

1) The Word Bank 2) The GATT

3) UNESCO 4) None of the above

59. INTIFIDA is the

1) African Liberation Front

2) The uprising in the Baltic States

3) Right - wings Terrorist group

4) The uprisings in West Bank of Gaza

60. Operation Cactus was a code name for

1) Indian Armed Forces action in combating the Terrorists in Punjab

2) Indian Armed Forces action in putting down the armed rebellion in Maldives

3) Environmental group

4) Armed Forces Exercises

61. GRAMSAT will

1) strengthen the Panchayat Raj Institutions

2) encourage village courts

3) encourage village handicrafts

4) revolutionize the spread of literacy in India

62. ZARIF - E - MOMIN was very much in news

1) Wonder drug

2) Militants in Jammu and Kashmir

3) Pakistan's army's biggest exercise on Indian border

4) None of the above

63. One of the following countries is desperately trying to enter the ECC :

1) Austria 2) USSR 3) Denmark 4) Holland


1) The tribal of South Africa

2) The white settlers in South Africa

3) The Militant back groups in South Africa

4) None of the above

65. African Fund by NAM is to

1) help industrialize the African continent

2) help famine situation in Africa

3) help the liberation struggle in Africa

4) preserve the African forests

66. Planet Protection Fund was proposed by

1) Indira Gandhi 2) Menaka Gandhi

3) Rajiv Gandhi 4) U. N.

67. Desert shield is associated with

1) U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia 2) Iraqi forces in Kuwait

3) Libya's forces 4) None of the above

68. The Nepali Congress which led the uniquemass movement to restore democracy in Nepal was established in

1) 1947 2) 1950 3) 1962 4) 1975

69. High Court in recent times passed strictrules against a State Government in regard to the nomination of 12 persons to the Legislative Council

1) Gujarat 2) Maharashtra 3) West Bengal 4) Andhra Pradesh

70. The Indian - made remote sensing satellite IRS - 1A was launched from

1) Thumba 2) Nevada 3) Baiknour 4) Kalpakam

71. In a code BOMBAY is written as CPNCBZ; What is NBESBT then ?


72. Y is brother of Z. A is the daughter of Z. U is the sister of Y and B is the brother of A. Who is the uncle of B ?

1) Y 2) U 3) Z 4) A

73. A D H M – –

1) O & T 2) N & S 3) S & Z 4) U & Y

74. T W Z C – –

1) E 2) F 3) H 4) I

75. Arrange the following in a meaningful sequence

1) Story 2) Review 3) Book 4) Idea 5) Author

1) 1 – 2 – 4 – 5 – 3 2) 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 – 5

3) 5 – 4 – 1 – 3 – 2 4) 3 – 2 – 4 – 1 – 5

86. A, B, C and D are climbing a ladder. C is standing ahead of D, A is standing between B and D. Who is standing at the second place from the bottom ?

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) D

88. Which fraction lies between 2/ 3 and 4 / 5?

1) 17 / 20 2) 7 / 10 3) 13 / 15 4) 4 / 9

89. The ratio of two numbers is 5 : 8 and their sum is 91. Find the numbers.

1) 66 and 25 2) 25 and 66

3) 56 and 35 4) 35 and 56

90. WISE is coded as XKVI, TALK will be coded


91. LATE is written as GWQC; POUR will be written as


Complete the series by choosing the correct answer out of one of the four choices given below in questions 92 to 95 :

92. 3, 9, 21, 45, ?

1) 90 2) 93 3) 92 4) 91

93. 0, 2, 10, 42, ?

1) 170 2) 168 3) 166 4) None of these

94. 1, 4, 15, ?, 325

1) 63 2) 64 3) 80 4) None of these

95. 2, 3, 7, ?, 121

1) 26 2) 28 3) 32 4) None of these

96. Ramesh has just enough money to buy 5 pens and 8 pencils or 3 pens and 16 pencils. How many pencils can be buy if the buys no pens?

1) 24 2) 28 3) 32 4) None of these

97. If A, B and C are consecutive integers and A is smaller than B, which in turn is smaller than C, which of the following is true ?

1) A + B + C is an even integer 2) ABC is an even integer

3) A – B = C – B 4) B =(A + C)/2

Indicate the Word/Number / Alphabet which DOES NOT belong to the same class or series in Questions 98 and 99 :

98. Square, Rectangle, Circle, Triangle

1) Square 2) Rectangle 3) Circle 4) Triangle

99. A E I N O U

1) I 2) E 3) N 4) U

100. If + is multiplication, – is addition, x is division and ÷ is subtraction, which of the following is correct ?

1) 10 4 x 2 = 4 + 6 – 2

2) 10 + 4 – 2 = 4 x 6 2

3) 10 – 4 ÷ 2 = 4 + 6 x 2

4) None of these

101.Residuary power is vested with

1) State 2) Centre 3) President 4) Prime Minister

102.Who is associated with the estimation of national income statistics in India ?

1) K. N. Raj 2) A. K. Sen

3) Dadabhai Nauroji 4) Sukhamoy Chakravarty

103.The share of Primary Sector in India during the last four decades of planning has

1) Increased 2) Decreased

3) Not changed 4) Not shown any perceptiable change

104.The proposed total outlay in the public sector during India's 8th Five Year Plan is

1) Rs. 1,00,000 Crores 2) Rs. 3, 45, 000 Crores

3) Rs. 5,00,000 Crores 4) Rs. 10,00,000 Crores

105.The Central Bank in India is

1) SBI 2) NABARD 3) SBH 4) RBI

106.The main thrust for development of Small-Scale Industries in India was given by the Industrial Policy Resolution of

1) 1948 2) 1956 3) 1977 4) 1980

107.The per capita availability of cloth in India during the planning period has

1) Increased 2) Decreased

3) Constnat 4) No perceptible change

108.The high rate of growth in the economy depends upon

1) high savings rate 2) high taxation rates

3) high administrative efficiency 4) optimal Allocation of Resources

109.The name of the first Jain Tirthankar is

1)Shantinath 2) Rishavanath

3) Mahavira 4) Neminath

110.The famous river of Andhra on which bank is situated Panchavati where Rama stayed with Laxman and Sita is

1) Krishna 2) Godavari 3) Mahanadi 4) Narmada

111.The name of ancient religious and educational town which was the Kashi of South India is

1) Mahabalipuram 2) Tanjavur 3) Kanchi 4) Madurai

112.The famous battle between Rana pratap and Akbar fought in the

1) Narmada Valley 2) Khaibar Ghat 3) Haldi Ghat 4) Bolan Ghat

113.The founder of Arya Samaja was

1) Dayanand Saraswati 2) Swami Ramatirtha

3) Ramakrishna Paramhansa 4) Vivekananda

114.The founder of Indian National Congress was

1) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 2) A. O. Hume

3) Dadabhai Naoroji 4) Gopal Krishna Gokhale

115.Who was the author of Geeta Rahasyam ?

1) Sarvepalli Radha Krishnan 2) Bal Gangadhar Tilak

3) Mahatma Gandhi 4) Madan Mohan Malviya

116.Lothal is associated with

1) Indus Valley civilization 2) Sumerian civilization

3) Babylonian civilization 4) Egyptian civilization

117.The sacred books of the Buddhists are

1) Vedas 2) Angas 3) Tripitakas 4) Aranyakas

118.Kharavela was responsible for the inscription?

1) Nasik cave inscription 2) Naneghat inscription

3) Hathigumpha cave inscription 4) Amaravathi inscription

119.Badami is famous for its

1) Rock - cut cave temples 2) Structural temples

3) Paintings 4) Secular buildings

120.The Satavahana king who defeated Nahapana was

1) Pulumayi 2) Gautamiputra Satakarni

3) Yajna Satakarni 4) Rudra Satakarni

121.The leading astronomer of the Gupta period was

1) Asvagosha 2) Susruta 3) Bhasa 4) Varahamihira

122.A renowned surgeon of ancient India was

1) Aryabhatta 2) Bhaskaracharya 3) Bhasa 4) Varahamihira

123.The magnificent temple of Kailasa was erected by

1) Krishna – I 2) Govinda – II 3) Krishna - II 4) Dantidurga

124.The first poet to translate the Mahabharata into Telugu was

1) Tikkana 2) Nanne Choda 3) Bhima Kavi 4) Nannaya

125.The most powerful Kakatiya ruler who expanded the empire upto Kanchi was

1) Beta - I 2) Prola – I 3) Prola – II 4) Ganapati

126.One of the purpose of INSAT 1D, the satellite put up by Indian Scientist, is to link all parts of India by television. The height about the earth surface at which it is revolving is about

1) 200 km 2) 10,000 km 3) 36,000 km 4) 1, 00,000 km

127.Two different objects with masses m1 and m2 are projected in the air at the angles q1 and q2 with respect to horizontal direction with the speed v1 and v2. If they remain in air for the same amount of time, the following quantity must be the same.

1) mass 2) speed

3) the distance travelled in horizonal direction

4) the height attained

128.The interaction which governs the life every where is

1) Electromagnetic 2) Gravitation 3) Nuclear 4) Weak

129.The main element which releases the energy in the thermal reactor is

1) Uranium (235) 2) Uranium (238)

3) Uranium (233) 4) Plutonium (239)

130.Which of the following statements is wrong for the planet Venus ?

1) It can be seen during whole night

2) After Sun and Moon, it is the most bright object in the sky

3) Its rotation and revolution are in opposite direction

4) Its surface temperature is about 450 C

131.The fuel which is burning inside the Sun is

1) Coal 2) Uranium 3) Oxygen 4) Hydrogen

132.Radio and TV reproduce the programme after receiving the waves by antenna. These waves are

1) nothing but light rays but with larger frequency

2) nothing but light rays but with larger wavelength

3) like soundwaves with higher frequencies

4) none of the above

133.Due to which property of the light waves, the solar and lunar eclipse take place?

1) Interference 2) Diffraction

3) Polarisation 4) Rectilinear propagation

134. In the Indian territory, the magnetic equator is passing nearer to

1) Trivandrum 2) Shriharikota 3) Allahabad 4) Srinagar

135.Which of the following gives the proper order of colours?

1) red, green, blue 2) blue, green, red

3) blue, green, yellow 4) blue, yellow, green

136.A coin is flipped for 100 times. The numbe of times the head comes on top is

1) exactly 50 2) 50 or more

3) 50 or less 4) about 50 with few more or few less

137.At what temperature is the density of the water highest?

1) 0 C 2) 4 C 3) 20 C 4) 100 C

138.Plastids are found in

1) Animal cell 2) Plant cell

3) Plant and animal cell 4) None of the above

139.Which part of the human brain controls sneezing?

1) Cerebrum 2) Medulla oblongata

3) Hypothalamus 4) None of the above

140.Hormone that helps in cell division

1) Absicis acid 2) Cytokinin 3) Gibberellic acid 4) Renin

141.The most intelligent animal is

1) Monkey 2) Man 3) Chimpanzee 4) Bird

142. In living organisms the water acts as

1) Diluting agent 2) Physiological solvent

3) Lowers body temperature 4) None of the above

143.Plants stop both respiration and photosynthesis sometimes during

1)Night 2) Twilight 3) Daytime 4) Dawn

144.The richest vegetabe source of Vitamin A

1) Liver 2) Egg 3) Carrot 4) Sunlight

145.Why does atmosphere warm up?

1) Sunlight 2) Absence of water

3) Absence of Vegetation 4) Presence of Vegetation

146.Which element has the same atomic number and atomic weight ?

1) Oxygen 2) Nitrogen 3) Helium 4) Hydrogen

147.Rate of transpiration is the maximum when there is

1) low temperature 2) low wind velocity

3) high temperature and low humidity

4) high humidity

148.Rickets is caused by the deficiency of

1) Vitamin C 2) Protein 3) Iodine 4) Vitamin D

149.Which of the following is most important for the growth of children up to the age of 14 ?

1) Protein 2) Vitamins 3) Fat 4) Milk

150.Hybrid varieties of seeds are

1) breed from two plants of different varieties 2) always high yielding

3) breed from transplantation 4) vulnerable to disease


1) 3 2) 4 3) 2 4) 1 5) 3 6) 3 7)3 8) 1 9) 3 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 2 14) 2 15) 3 16) 2 17) 3 18) 3 19) 4 20) 3 21) 2 22) 1 23)4 24) 1 25) 2 26) 1 27) 2 28) 3 29) 3 30) 2 31) 1 32) 3 33) 2 34) 2 35) 3 36) 3 37) 4 38) 2 39) 1 40) 3 41) 3 42) 2 43) 1 44) 3 45) 1 46) 4 47) 1 48) 2 49) 2 50) 1 51) 2 52) 2 53) 4 54) 2 55) 3 56) 4 57) 2 58) 2 59) 4 60) 2 61) 4 62) 3 63) 2 64) 2 65) 2 66) 3 67) 1 68) 2 69) 2 70) 3 71) 2 72) 2 73) 3 74) 2 75) 3 76) 4 77) 3 78) 4 79) 4 80) 2 81) 3 82) 2 83) 4 84) 4 85) 2 86) 1 87) 3 88) 2 89) 4 90) 3 91) 4 92) 2 93) 1 94) 2 95) 3 96) 2 97) 4 98)3 99) 3 100) 3 101) 2 102) 3 103) 2 104) 2 105) 4 106) 3 107) 1 108) 1 109) 2 110) 2 111) 3 112) 3 113) 1 114) 2 115) 2 116) 1 117) 3 118) 3 119) 2 120) 2 121) 4 122) 3 123) 1 124) 4 125) 4 126) 3 127) 4 128) 2 129) 1 130) 1 131) 4 132) 2 133) 4 134) 1 135) 3 136) 4 137) 2 138) 2 139) 3 140) 2 141) 2 142) 2 143) 2 144) 3 145) 3 146) 4 147) 3 148) 4 149) 1 150) 1

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