APPSC Group-1 Prelims Question Paper - 1983-84


1. One of the vitamins which is required to help in blood clotting:

1) Vitamin K 2) Vitamin D 3) Vitamin C 4) Vitamin E

2. How does a mosquito make its annoying hum?

1) By flapping its wings vigorously 2) By sending air through its spiracles

3) Through its vocal hords 4) None of these

3. Diabetes mellitus is caused due to the non-secretion of a hormone known as:

1) Thyroxine 2) Glucagon 3) Pitutarin 4) Insulin

4. How do we term the science of improving honey production?

1) Apiculture 2) Sericulture 3) Horticulture 4) Agriculture

5. Name the Indian born doctor who won the Noble Prize for his work in genetic engineering.

1) Dr. J. C. Bose 2) Dr. H. G. Khorana 3) Dr. C. V. Raman 4) Dr. Raja Ramanna

6. Why is it necessary to grow plants in an aquarium ?

1) To increase the supply of carbon dioxide to fishes

2) To increase the supply of oxygen to fishes

3) To beauty the aquarium

4) To increase the supply of nitrogen to the fishes

7. A child is given "triple antigens" within one year or birth ? Why ?

1) To provent diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough

2) To prevent diphtheria, malaria and cholera

3) To prevent diphtheria, polio and cholera

4) To prevent small-pox, malaria and filaria

8. Life saving antibiotics are obtained from

1) Algae 2) Fungi 3) Bacteria 4) Medicinal plants

9. What is a cupuncture?

1) Accurate puncturing of the diseased organs

2) A type of surgery performed in India

3) Curing illness by puncturing specified areas of skin with needles

4) None of the above

10. The number of Chromosomes present in man

1) 46 2) 44 3) 48 4) 23

11. How is night blindness cured?

1) By using convex lenses 2) By using concave lenses

3) By using contact lenses 4) By eating carrots which contain carotene

12. Why are dogs used to detect criminals?

1) The eyes of dogs are sharp to detect the criminals

2) The auditory organ in dogs is very sensitive

3) The taste buds in dogs are extremely sensitive so they lick the place before the criminal is detected.

4) In dogs the olfactory receptor area is about forty times larger than that of man and so they are used.

13. Which is the world's largest living creature?

1) Indian elephant 2) Blue whale 3) Rhinoceros 4) African elephant

14. If a human were to be placed in an enclosed room with an atmosphere of oxygen and nothing

else, what would he or she exhale?

1) They exhale only carbon dioxide 2) They exhale only oxygen

3) They exhale only nitrogen 4) None of the above

15. What is the approximate caloric requirement of an adult male?

1) 1000 cal 2) 5000 cal

3) 3500 cal 4) 6000 cal

16. In the preparation of vegetable Ghee, hydrogen is passed through oils. This process is called

1) Esterification 2) Hydrogenation

3) De-hydrogenation 4) None of the above

17. Chemically Milksugar is known as

1) Glucose 2) Maltose

3) Lactose 4) None of the above

18. Which of the following is an example of physical change?

1) Rusting 2) Burning

3) Melting 4) None of the above

19. An example of an inert gas is

1) Argon 2) Oxygen 3) Laughing gas 4) None of the above

20. The phenomenon of radio activity is related to

1) Amateur Radio 2) Radio Astronomy 3) Nucleus of an element 4) None of the above

21. Atmospheric pollution is caused by an excess of

1) Carbon monoxide 2) Oxygen 3) Hydrogen 4) None of the above

22. The orbit of INSAT - I B is said to be:

1) Heliocentric 2) Geo-stationary 3) Heliostationary 4) None of the above

23. The velocity of light is :

1) Infinite 2) 3 x 108 metres / sec (3 lakh km / sec.)

3) Zero 4) None of the above

24. A good absorber of heat is a body

1) Painted black 2) Painted white 3) With mirror like polish 4) None of the above

25. The instrument used to measure the depth of the sea is called

1) RADAR 2) SONAR 3) LASER 4) None of the above

26. The force of repulsion between two like poles of a magnet is

1) Directly proportional to the distance between them

2) Directly proportional to the square of the distance between them

3) Inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them

4) None of the above

27. Electric power is expressed as

1) Product of voltage and current 2) Sum of voltage and current

3) Ratio of voltage and current 4) None of the above

28. Of the following which is not an elementary particle?

1) Electron 2) Alpha particle 3) Proton 4) None of the above

29. The picture content on the T.V. screen is called

1) Audio 2) video 3) Radio 4) None of the above

30. Silicon element used in the manufacture of transistors is classified as

1) Metal 2) Semiconductor 3) Insulator 4) None of the above

31. Anuradha is

1) a film actress

2) a Government hotel in Delhi

3) India's experiment in space to study the anamolous low energy cosmic rays

4) a technique for desalinating water

32. Southernmost part of India

1) is Kanyakumari 2) Lay in Nicobar Island 3) is Hyderabad 4) is Nagercoil

33. Telugu Ganga is a scheme to bring

1) Cauvery water to Hyderabad 2) Krishna water to Nellore

3) Krishna water to Madras 4) Ganges to Tamil Nadu

34. Supreme Court's Judgement in Bachan Singh's case

1) upholds death sentence in the rarest of rare case

2) upholds the Government Order to reduce the retirement age

3) grants relief to a rape victim

4) upholds the Constitution

35. Cloud seeding can

1) create rain 2) grow plants in space

3) only increase rain 4) change the direction of clouds

36. The sector that has the highest plan outlay in Union Budget, 1983 – 84 is

1) Agriculture 2) Special Area Programme

3) Science and Technology 4) Energy

37. Pragati Patham is

1) 15 point development scheme of Andhra Pradesh

2) 27 point development scheme of India

3) Victory flag of the Cholas

4) Boarding school in Vizag

38. Williamsburg Summit was different from Canain Meet in that

1) It was a meeting of Commonwealth Heads

2) India did not participate

3) India could not participate

4) It was a meeting of the poor countries in the world

39. Total food grains production (including pulses) in the country is now

1) between 130 – 150 million tonnes 2) between 10 – 20 million tonnes

3) between 200 – 240 million tonnes 4) between 80 – 90 million tonnes

40. Narendra - 1 is the name of

1) a Mythical king 2) Satellite

3) a new variety of rice 4) a train between Madras and Madurai

41. Asiad 82 brought the games to Delhi for the second time. Which other city has hosted Asiad more than once ?

1) Manila 2) Tokyo 3) Jakarta 4) Bangkok

42. Mahadevi Verma is a

1) Hindi poetess 2) Opposition leader in U. P.

3) Script writer 4) Educationist

43. SAARC comprises India, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and

1) Madagascar 2) Cuba 3) Sri Lanka 4) Denmark

44. Kalpakkam is in the news because

1) a triple murder took place there 2) its atomic power plant went critical

3) a mercury lignum was found 4) gold was struck in the mines

45. According to the latest census

1) 20 percent of the population lives in urban areas

2) 18.6 percent lives in urban areas

3) 76.5 percent lives in rural areas

4) 0.5 percent lives in urban areas

46. Rakesh Sharma and Ravish Malhotra are

1) World class openers 2) Antarctika team members

3) Ghazal singers 4) IAF test pilots undergoing training USSR for space flight.

47. Small coins will be gradually phased out as

1) It is unsafe to carry them

2) Beggars refuse to accept them

3) Production cost is more than their value

4) People are converting them into fancy or naments

48. People of Indian origin in Sri Lanka are concentrated more in

1) Colombo 2) Anuradhapura 3) Jaffna 4) Mannar

49. Bhanu Athaiya is the first Indian to win the

1) Guardian Award 2) Oscar Award

3) Magsaysay Award 4) Olympic Gold Medal

50. The Dada Saheb Phalke Award was given this year to

1) Satyajit Ray 2) L. V. Prasad 3) Kamalhasan 4) Adoor Gopalakrishnan

51. The space craft launched by the USA in 1972 to explore Jupiter which is still in orbit is

1) Cosmos 1402 2) Pioneer 10 3) Cosmos 1445 4) Observer

52. The President of Nigeria is

1) Shehu Shagari 2) H. B. Roburt 3) Seyid Muhammed 4) Julius Nyerere

53. The Chairperson of the Seventh Non aligned Summit was

1) Mrs. Indira Gandhi 2) Dr. Fidel Castro

3) Mr. K. Natwar Singh 4) Mr. Raul Roakouri

54. The winners of the 1983 Wimbledon tennis tournament were

1) Martina Navratilova and Ivan Lendle

2) Chris Evert LIoyd and John Mc Ennroe

3) Martina Navratilova and Jimmy Connors

4) Martina Navratilova and John Mc Enroe

55. The Indian National Programmes are telecast via

1) Intelsat - 1 2) Rohini 3) Stationar - 6 4) Intelsat - 4

56. The Sagar Kanya is the name of

1) The Oceanographic research vessel India has bought

2) A satellite constructed at SAAR

3) A ship employed by the Coast guards

4) A new high yielding variety of wheat

57. Nikolai Tikhonov is

1) Soviet Prime Minister 2) Chess Champion

3) Gymnast 4) Cosmonaut

58. The 1983 All England Badminton Champion is

1) Liem Swie King 2) Luan Jin 3) Han Jain 4) Prakash Padukone

59. The President of the Philippines is

1) Sukarto 2) Bob Hawke 3) H. M. Ershad 4) Ferdinand Macros

60. The Commission set up by the Central Government to examine Centre State relations is the

1) Sarkaria Commission 2) Mohan Commission

3) Padmanabhan Commission 4) Sadasivan Commission

61. The coast of submerge is found in

1) Coromandal coast 2) Konkan coast 3) Kerala coast 4) South Canara coast

62. The highest urbanization in India is found in

1) Tamil Nadu 2) Andhra Pradesh 3) Maharashtra 4) Uttar Pradesh

63. India has the World's largest reserves of

1) Coal 2) Mica 3) Iron Ore 4) Barytes

64. The region which receives high rainfall due to the North east monsoon is

1) Tamilnadu coast 2) Assam 3) Gangetic plain 4) Kashmir

65. The sugar belt in India lies in

1) Godavari Valley 2) Punjab 3) Middle Ganga Valley 4) Maharashtra

66. While all the major peninsular rivers flow to the east, Narmada and Tapati flow to the west, because of

1) Lava Flow 2) Floding

3) Fault line 4) Vindhya and Satpura ranges

67. Both quality and quantity the leading mica mining State in India is

1) Andhra Pradesh 2) Bihar 3) Rajasthan 4) Tamil Nadu

68. But for their large scale, monsoons are similar to

1) Land and sea breezes 2) Trade winds

3) Westerlies 4) Local winds

69. The Indian Standard Time is referred to the latitude

1) 85 E 2) 82 1/2 E 3) 80 E 4) 88 W

70. The geopolitical significance of the India lies in its

1) large population 2) large agricultural production

3) rich ancient culture 4) size and location

71. The work of the drafting of Indian Constitution completed on

1) 9th December, 1946 2) 15th August, 1947

3) 26th November, 1949 4) 26th January, 1950

72. The Vice President of India is

1) nominated by the President

2) elected by the electoral college

3) appointed by the Prime Minister

4) selected through none of the above

73. The term of office of a Governor of a State is

1) Six years 2) Five years 3) Seven years 4) Three years

74. The Prime Minister of India is

1) The Chairman of Rajya Sabha

2) Leader of the majority party int he Lok Sabha

3) Vice President of the Ruling Party

4) President of the Ruling Party

75. The Supreme Commander of India's Armed Forces is

1) Defence Minister 2) President 3) Vice President 4) Prime Minister

76. The President of India is eligible to seek re-election

1) Two times 2) Three times 3) Four times 4) Any number of times

77. The Presiding Officer of the Rajya Sabha is the

1) Speaker 2) President 3) Vice President 4) Prime Minister

78. The Lok Sabha is dissolved by the

1) Speaker 2) President 3) Vice President 4) Prime Minister

79. The wording of the preamble to the Indian Constitution is

1)Sovereign Democratic Republic

2) Sovereign Socialist Secular Democratic Republic

3) Federal Democratic Country

4) Democratic Republic Country

80. An order from the Court to any official to show his right to the office is called

1) Habeast Corpus 2) Writ of Certiorari

3) Writ of Quo Warranto 4) Writ of officiality

81. The Mahalnobis model used as the basis for India's Second Five Year Plan was originally conceived by

1) Alec Nove 2) L. V. Knatorough

3) G. A. Feldman 4) V. S. Nemchinov

82. Sectoral distribution of public sector expenditure shows that during the Fifth Plan 25 percent was spent on

1) Agriculture and Irrigation 2) Transport and Communication

3) Power 4) Industry

83. The present rate of saving in the Indian economy is around

1) 22 percent 2) 18 percent 3) 15 percent 4) 10 percent

84. The annual average percentage growth rate envisaged in the Sixth Plan is

1) 7.6 2) 5.2 3) 4.4 4) 2.5

85. The largest proportion of savings in India comes from

1) Banking sector 2) Corporate sector 3) Household sector 4) Public sector

86. The largest proportion of the total outlay of the Five-Year Plans in the India is mobilised through

1) Direct taxes 2) Deficit financing

3) External borrowing 4) Indirect taxes

87. A large part of investment in India in the Public Sector is directed for the development of

1) Consumer goods industries 2) Defence industry

3) Heavy capital goods industries 4) Light capital goods industries

88. The targeted growth for exports in the Sixth Five-year Plan is about?

1) 10 percent 2) 8 percent 3) 5.5 percent 4) 4.5 percent

89. The predominant type of organisation in Indian industry is

1) Co-operatives 2) Joint Stock Company 3) Partnership 4) Proprietors

90. Small enterprises refer to those units which have got gross fixed capital of

1) Rs. 20 lakhs 2) Rs.15 lakhs 3) Rs. 7.5 lakhs 4) Rs. 5 lakhs

91. The name of the ancient place generally identified with the Indus Valley is

1) Ur 2) Tyre 3) Meluhha 4) Niniveh

92. The inscription containing the description of the achievements of Gautamiputra Satakarni is at

1) Ajanta 2) Nasik 3) Amaravathi 4) Bhattiprolu

93. The founder of the Haryanka dynasty was

1) Bimbisara 2) Bindusara 3) Ajatasatru 4) Chandraguputa

94. The Fourth Buddhist Council is linked with this ruler

1) Ashoka 2) Kanishka 3) Harsha 4) Samudragupta

95. The seal of the Pallavas was

1) Tiger 2) Boar 3) Bull 4) Fish

96. Panduranga was the Commander of the armies of this dynasty

1) Anandagotras 2) Pallavas

3) Chalukyas of Badami 4) Eastern Chalukyas of Vengi

97. Syadvada is associated with the religion

1) Brahmanism 2) Jainism 3) Buddhism 4) Islam

98. The place in Andhra Pradesh containing fine Badami Chalukyan temples

1) Tadipatri 2) Ghantasala 3) Billasurgam 4) Alampur

99. The capital city of the Rashtrakutas was

1) Manyakheta 2) Vijayapuri 3) Badami 4) Bhattiprolu

100.The earliest inscriptions relating to the history of Andhra Pradesh are in this language

1) Sanskrit 2) Telugu 3) Tamil 4) Prakrit

101.Qutub Minar was completed during the region of

1) Iltutmish 2) Razia 3) Balban 4) Ala-ud-din

102.Who among the following introduced Jagir system

1) Ala-ud-din 2) Balban 3) Feroz Tughlaq 4) Ibrahim Lodi

103.The hold of the Sultanate under Lodi dynasty included all but one of the provinces

1) Punjab 2) Rajasthan 3) Uttar Pradesh 4) Madhya Pradesh

104.Who among the following is called a child of Allah and Ram?

1) Ramanand 2) Kabir 3) Surdas 4) Tulsidas

105.Which one of the following Sikh gurus was executed by Jahangir?

1) Angad 2) Arjun 3) Amardas 4) Ramdas

106.The main industry during the Mughal period was

1) Cotton 2) Spices 3) Indigo 4) Saltpetre

107.Kulottunga united the crowns of

1) Cholas and Eastern Gangas 2) Pallavas and Cholas

3) Cholas and Eastern Chalukyas 4) Cholas and Pandyas

108.The royal preceptor of Ganapatideva was

1) Besdaba 2) Visvesvara Sambhu

3) Panditaradhya 4) Narahari Tirtha

109.Vira Saivism was spread in Andhra by

1) Panditaradhya 2) Somanatha 3) Basava 4) Visvesvara

110.The Adil Shah ruler defeated by Krishna devaraya was

1) Yusuf Adil Shah 2) Ibrahim Adil Shah

3) Malik Adil Shah 4) Ali Adil Shah

111.The important cause for the conflict of the Bhaminis and the Vijayanagar rulers was

1) Religious rivalry 2) Political ambition

3) Possession of territory 4) Non-payment of tribute

112.The earliest of the mutinies against the British was

1) Mutiny at Barrackpur 2) Mutiny in Assam

3) Mutiny of the Madras army 4) The Indian Mutiny of 1857 – 58

113.The policy of the counterpoise of natives against natives was inaugurated by

1) Sir John Lawrence 2) Lord Mayo

3) Lord Rippon 4) Lord Lytton

114.The first act which altered the constitution of the East India Company at home changed the

structure of the company in India

1) The Regulating Act of 1773 2) The Pitt’s India Act of 1784

3) The Charter Act of 1813 4) The Government of India Act of 1858

115.The teacher trainee who was restricted from the college during the Vandematarma movement was

1) Pattabhi Seetharamayya 2) Gadicherla Harisarvothama Rao

3) Nypati Subbarao 4) A. L. Narasimha Rao

116.The Hyderabad State Congress was founded By

1) Burgula Ramakrishna Rao 2) Swami Ramanada Tirtha

3) Madapati Hanumantha Rao 4) Ravi Narayana Reddy

117.The Act that introduced bicameral legislature in India was

1) The Indian Council Act of 1909

2) The Government of India Act of 1919

3) The Government of India Act of 1935

4) The Indian Independence Act of 1947

118. Indian representative in the Parliament of Religions was

1) Mahatma Gandhi 2) Arabindo Ghosh

3) Swami Vivekananda 4) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

119.The All India Congress Session was held for the first time in Andhra at

1) Vijayawada 2) Visakhapatnam 3) Guntur 4) Kakinada

120.The first Session of Andhra Mahasabha which was held at Bapatla in 1913 was presided over by

1) Nyapati Subba Rao 2) Pattabhi Seetharamayya

3) B. N. Sharma 4) Konda Venkatappaiah

In the following items each one contains word or words, numbers or alphabets which are omitted and blank spaces are provided instead. Each item has four alternatives 1,2 , 3, 4. You have to pick out one of the alternatives which will fill the blanks so that the item / sentence will be true and sensible.

121.Skin; Muscle; Bone ; ………………

1) Blood 2) Calcium 3) Marrow 4) Veins

122.F: 12 :: R : …………

1) 36 2) 26 3) 18 4) 16

123.Flute: ……… : : trumpet : Guitar

1) Harmonica 2) Drums 3) Piano 4) Violin

124.LA ……………………… ON

1) GO 2) IM 3) TI 4) BA

125.A : …………………… : : N : V

1) F 2) G 3) H 4) I

126.TR : …………… : : LJ : ………………

1) PN, JH 2) GH, KM 3) QP, IG 4) UW, MN

127.Letter : ……… : : ……… : Sentence

1) Mail, Words 2) Word, Phrase

3) Correspondence, Court 4) Alphabets, Words

128. Issue : …… : : …… : draw

1) Politics, Pencil 2) Rake, Water

3) Law, Art 4) Words, Strokes

129.……… is to branch as knot is to ……

1) Wood hanging 2) Tree fiber

3) Knarl chord 4) Leaves tie

130.………… is to KC, ME, No as HG is to ……

1) PO : DE FE, FG 2) OO : FE GG, JG

3) OP : EG FG, GH 4) RE : EF, GH, IJ

131.………… is to era as descent is to ……

1) Years light 2) Dawn kings

3) Days human 4) Archaeology history

132.……… is to 16 as 76 is to ………

1) 20, 100 2) 4, 7

3) 10, 70 4) 2, 13

133.………… is to sentence as sentence is to

1) Crime, Judgement 2) Word, Paragraph

3) Jurry, Prose 4) Words, Legal

134.……… is to A as 22 is to ………

1) O BB 2) I XX 3) K 3 4) B BB

135.………… is to 64 as 2 is to …………

1) 6, 18 2) 4, 32 3) 7E B 4) 2, B

136.……… is to ABC as CBA is to …………


137.………… is to D as J is to …… as …… is to X

1) C, K, W 2) E, I, Y 3) F, L, Y 4) B, G, T

138.…… is to eye as cap is to …… as …… is to book

1) Lid, Pen, Cover 2) Spectacles, wool, Paper

3) Vision, head, words 4) Socket, scals, hands

139.……… is to pause as colon is to …… as change is to ……

1) Comma, long pause, hyphen 2) Fullstop, change, semicolon

3) Clause, Example, Exclamation 4) Noun, Adjective, tanse

140.………… is to exotic as lavish is to …… as …… is not to luxury

1) Foreign, Profuse, Simplicity 2) Fragrance, Wealth, Sumptuous

3) Mystic, Prodigal, Unelegant 4) Perfumes, Money, Parismony

141.……… is to kite as motive is to …… as …… is to mass

1) Paper, Power, Clay 2) Strong, Man, Material

3) Wind, Human, Pressure 4) Fly, Propel, Move

142.99 is to …… as …… is to 1000 as 665 is to ……

1) 9, 100, 60 2) 100, 999, 666 3) 19, 110, 65 4) 9, 111, 66

143.……… is to 99 as 10 is to ……… as ……… is not to 420

1) 9, 110, 14 2) 10, 9, 4 3) 9, 1, 42 4) 3, 2, 11

144.……… is to E as I is to …… as …… is not to V:

1) A , 9, 19 2) 5, 9, 20 3) 0, 10, 20 4) 4, L, 22

145.……… is to medicine as corruption is to …… ignorance is to …… as fungus is to ……

1) Patient, leaders, masses, moisture

2) Chemicals, society, rural, moss

3) Disease, Government, Education, Wood

4) Doctor, Management, labour, soil

146.………… is to leg as hinge to …… as ……… is to arm as …… is to finger

1) Bone, window, shoulder, nail

2) Walk, move, lift, write

3) Knee, door, shoulder, knuckle

4) Table, door, chair, stool

147.………… is to tree as climber is to ………… as ………… is to grass as ………… is to shrub

1) Neem, Melon, Wood, tea

2) Axe, Woodcutter, mover, chopper

3) Mango, Coconut, paddy, lemon

4) Trunk, tendril, stock, things

148.……… is to timber as ferment is to …… as ……… is to milk as break is not to …………

1) Rot, sugar, split, flower

2) Dead, Liquor, Spoil, iron

3) Fire, curd, bacteria, seeds

4) Solid, Liquid, Semi liquid, Solid

149.…… is to cripple as curl is to ……… as …… is to essay as curt is to

1)Legs, hair, topic, manners

2) Cramp, reptile, curtail, speech

3) Crutch, comb, words, rude

4) Lame, pain, style, speech

150.……… is to carpet as cotton is to …… as …… is to book as …… is not to bag

1) Wool, fiber, words, iron

2) Jute, cloth, paper, wood

3) Feet, body, hands, skin

4) Animal, planet, machine, man - made

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