APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper-V (Science & Technology, Environmental Issues) Previous Paper-2020




Time: 3 hours                                                                                                     Maximum Marks: 150


(i) The question paper consists of 15 questions. The candidate has to write answers to all questions. Each question carries 10 marks.

(ii) Enough space is available in the Answer Sheet for writing all answers. There is no provision for additional Answer Sheets.

(iii) The candidate has to write his/her answers in the medium chosen by him/her only. If there is any deviation from paper to paper or part of the paper, the candidature would become invalid.

(iv) Underlining or highlighting or putting special marks in answers would make the Answer Sheet invalid. Writing in different inks would also make the paper invalid. Candidates must use either blue or black ink only. Otherwise, the paper will be treated as invalid.

(v) Though the paper in English is taken as standard for valuation under normal circumstances, if necessary, a balanced view would be taken after comparing English and Telugu versions.


1. (a). What is “life expectancy at birth”? Data shows that the global average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900, and is now above 70 years. Describe three to five factors which have contributed to improvement in life expectancy. (10 Marks)


(b). Telangana has several Central Government Institutions suitable for research funded by the Department of Science and Technology. These include BITS, CCMB, CDFD, CRIDA, DRDO, ICRISAT, IICT, NALSAR, NGRAU, and NIN.

i. How should these institutions contribute towards education of B.A./B.Com./B.Sc. students in TS?

ii. Write short notes about the mission and contributions of any two of these Institutions in Science/Technology in India. (10 Marks)

2. (a). What is the UIDAI? How has this government body harnessed IT to improve targeted delivery of government benefits (DBT)? How can the Aadhaar Card help in financial transactions? (10 Marks)


(b). What is cybercrime? Describe with examples any two of the following and explain how the government helps victims of cybercrime.

  • Cyber bullying
  • Cyber stalking
  • Phishing
  •  Ransomware                                                                                                                  (10 Marks)

3. (a) Write a brief account of the history of ISRO. Name any three ISRO centers and their location. Add a note about the Mangalyaan or Chandrayaan missions of ISRO. (10 Marks)


(b). To date, ISRO has launched over 100 satellites. Explain what are GEO, LEO, MEO, and SSO. Use diagrams to illustrate your answer. Add a note on GSLV and PLSV launches. (10 Marks)

4. (a). What is nuclear energy? At the end of 2019, seven nuclear reactors were under construction in India, with a combined capacity of 5.4 GW. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using nuclear energy in India? What is the NPT and how does this impact India which is not a member of the NPT? (10 Marks)


(b). What is “Clean Energy”? List the sources of clean energy and explain how they work. Which of these sources can be used or are already widely used in India? (10 Marks)

5. (a). All member states of the UN adopted 17 goals in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Name any four of these goals and explain how India can reach them. (10 Marks)


(b). What causes earthquakes? Can we prevent or predict where and when an earthquake will happen? What should relief agencies do after an earthquake occurs in an inland and a coastal region? (10 Marks)

6. (a). Classify solid waste in terms of source and types of solid wastes. Explain the steps to manage this waste. Add a note on advantages and disadvantages of landfills. (10 Marks)


(b). What do you know about the agents, stages, and effects of soil erosion? What are the factors affecting soil erosion and measures to conserve soil? (10 Marks)

7. (a) Is there any difference between gene therapy, transgenic organisms, and gene enhancement/genome editing? With example, explain the ethical concerns in each of these approaches? When can genome editing be considered ethical? (10 Marks)


(b) In October 2020, the Nobel Prize for Chemistry was awarded to the CRISPR technology. Explain how CRISPR functions in nature and how it has been adapted for research and clinical applications. (10 Marks)

8. (a). Write short notes on the causes, treatment, and methods of prevention of any 3 of the following diseases:

1. Cholera; 2. Malaria, 3. Encephalitis, 4. Tuberculosis, and 5. Avian flu.           (10 Marks)


(b) What is recombinant DNA? Draw a schematic to show the process of creating rDNA and explain the roles of restriction enzymes and vectors in this process. Give an example of rDNA technology. (10 Marks)

9. (a). What is Intellectual Property? Explain with examples the differences between copyrights, patents, and trademarks. What are the rights an inventor has on his invention, and how are these rights gained and enforced globally? (10 Marks)


(b). What is a patent? Give examples of patents. What is the difference between process patents and product patents? How are GI tags related to patents? (10 Marks)

10. (a). What is the status of utilization of Solar energy in India and the World? What are some factors hindering utilization of this green energy source? (10 Marks)


(b). Traditional methods of in-person education have been disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic. How can India’s Space Program help in restoring and expanding access to education in India?

11. (a). What do you know about the NeGP (National e-Governance Action Plan) operating under the aegis of Digital India? Explain about the role of any three of the following projects in this plan:

1. Jan-Dhan Yojana, 2. Digital Locker, 3. National Digital Literacy Mission, 4. E-Bhasha, and 5. BharatNeT (National Optical Fibre Network)                                                                    (10 Marks)


(b). What are biofuels and why are they important to India’s economy? What do you know about the Indian National Policy on Biofuels? (10 Marks)

12. (a). Please interpret the following data in terms of contribution by countries to Science and Engineering publications. Identify any one factor for the state of Indian Science and recommend a relevant policy measure to address the situation.


(b). Is there a difference between “forest cover” and “forest area”? What does the following graph show?

13. (a). What is Climate Justice? How is this matter covered by news media and influential publications like Time magazine? Suggest at least 2 measures that are aligned to this goal. (10 Marks)


(b). Explain what you see in the following graphic. (a) How does human activity affect the substance shown in the graphic? (b) How does this substance affect human health? (10 Marks)

14. (a). What are the most common and hazardous pollutants in outdoor and indoor air? Mention the health hazards from each of the pollutants. What is AQI (Air Quality Index)? Who monitors AQI in India? What is the contribution of PM to AQI? (10 Marks)


(b). What is Covid-19 and how is it spread? How are immuno-diagnostic methods used in context of the Covid19 pandemic? (10 Marks)

15. (a) Explain the mechanism of action of vaccines. Give two examples where vaccines have eradicated diseases in India. What do you know about the Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 and Mission Indradhanush? (10 Marks)


(b) The 2020 Nobel Prize for Physiology and Medicine was awarded to three scientists for their work on HCV. What do you know about this virus and the disease it causes? Is there any vaccine available for this disease? (10 Marks)



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