APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper-IV (Science & Technology) Previous Paper-2012





      1. The candidate has to answer 15 questions @5 questions from each section.

      2. Each question carries 10 marks.

   3. The Question paper is set in English and translated into Telugu Language. The English version will be considered as the authentic version for valuation purpose.



1 a. What are the important technological mission of India? Add a note on their objectives.

    b. Write an essay on National Literacy Mission.


   c. Enumerate the policy objectives in the development of science and Technology in India.

   d. Write a short note on the recent developments taking place in the most popular National Solar Mission.

2. a. What is a Satellite? Explain the different Types of Satellites in the Space programme. Add a note on GSAT-5.

   b. How many satellites are tracked at a time for a GPS? Explain how and for what purpose the GPS is used.


  c. Define bandwidth. What are the different band- widths used in INSAT series? mention the significance of thermal band in agriculture.

    d. What is the resolution of CARTOSAT -2 and for what purpose are its images useful? What is the main difference between CARTOSAT -2 and IKONOS?

 3. a. Discuss briefly the role of IT in rural development in India with a note on effective implementation.

       b. Define Telemedicine. Write a note on the different types of telemedicine.


      c. which are the five major IT city hubs in India? what are the main factors required for the growth of software industry?

      d. Write an essay on the modem, wireless, and types of networking systems.

 4. a. What is the difference between renewable energy and non-renewable energy? What are the different types of non-conventional energy? Add note on their resources,

     b. What are the factors for the increase in the worldwide energy demand? Discuss briefly to mitigate such demands.


    c. What are the new emerging renewable energy technologies?

    d. Define nuclear energy. Discuss briefly on the mitigation of nuclear hazards and nuclear waste.

5. a. Explain various causes for the changes in cli- mate and its effect on both the living and non-living bodies on the Earth

     b. What are the different types of indicators of climatic changes? Write a short note on cryogenic indicators?


    c. What are the parameters considered to declare as a disaster? List out the various disasters which are considered for declaration as national disasters

   d. Explain briefly on the roles and responsibilities of National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) in achieving its goal.



6. a. Differentiate between old and modern biotechnology. Describe the discovery of Louis Pasteur on fermentation.

     b. What are antibiotics? Write advantages and disadvantages of antibiotics use.


      c. What is the difference between Penicillin and Insulin? Describe the industrial production of Penicillin.

      d. Differentiate between virus and bacteria. What are the harmful useful effects caused by both in the humans and animals?

 7. a. Define bioinsecticides. What are the different types of bioinsecticides?

     b. What is a flower? Describe the functions of the different parts of the flower.


    c. What is meant by model organism? Describe its characteristics.

    d. Write an essay on stem cells research and the significance of cloning in various fields.

 8. a. Write briefly on the types and uses of biopesticides.

     b. Mention briefly the arguments in favour of and against GM crops.


     c. what are the different types of sterilization methods adopted for different types of materials?

     d. what is a transgenic animal? List out the benefits from transgenic animals.

9. a. What is meant by infection? Explain the terms Acute, chronic, fulminating, localized, generalized, primary and secondary used for infections, with examples.

     b. Write a short note of Pathogenesis.


    c. What is hydrophobia? How is it caused? What remedial or precautionary measures are to be taken?

    d. Discuss briefly on the morphology and biological characters of measles virus.

10. a. Enumerate the mechanism of humoral immunity system and the usefulness of the antibodies.

       b. Give an account of the adverse effects of passive immunization.


      c. What are the organs of immune system? Give a schedule of immunization for new-born children.

      d. Write a short note on the adverse consequences of vaccination.



11. a. Explain the various functions of the Central Pollution Control Board.

       b. What are the salient features of Forest Act of 1980.  


       c. What are the measures to be taken in prevention and control of air pollution?

      d. List out the rules to regulate environmental pollution under the Environment Protection Act of 1986.

12 a. What is the Chipko movement about? Who created this Slogan and what is its impact?

     b. Write a short note on medicinal herbs and plants.


      c. Give a short account of different types of social forestry and their advantages.

    d. What are the different parameters considered for constructing a dam and a reservoir? Briefly mention its impact on the environment.

 13. a. What are the principles of ecology?

       b. Define bio-diversity. Discuss briefly on the consumptive use of bio-diversity.


      c. Discuss briefly various reasons leading to the loss of bio-diversity.

     d. In the Project Tiger, what are the administrative measures taken by the Ministry of Environment and Forests?

14. a. What are the major Air pollutants? Adda note on their effects.

       b. What is meant by Electrostatic precipitator? Explain its working principle.


      c. Differentiate between BOD and COD and discuss their importance.

      d. Write a short note on Eutrophication.

 15. a. What are the salient benefits of the application of Information Technology in the field of medicine and medical health?

      b. What is meant by watershed? How can water- shed management be done effectively with mod- ern Information Technology?


    c. What are the effects of climate change on nature, sea level fluctuations, plants and animal migration, changes in insect pests?

   d. What is Brundtland Report? Enumerate. 

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