APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper-IV (Science & Technology) Previous Paper-2008





1. The Candidate has to answer 15 Questions @ 5 Questions from each section.

2. Each Question carries 10 marks.


1.1. What are the strategies of development, transfer and diffusion of technology in country?


   2. Discuss our national policy on generation and management of intellectual property.

2. 1. What are the salient features of IRS - P5.


   2. What is the role of Indian Space Program in agricultural and rural developmental activities?

3. 1. Discuss the role of software development in the economic growth of our country.


    2. Discuss the various information technology applications with special reference to rural India.

4. 1. What are the various renewable energy resources? What is their potential in our country?


   2. What are the challenges faced by energy sector in our country?

5. 1. What are the potential impacts of climate change in India?


   2. What are the outcomes of crop science research in India?


 6. 1. Define fermentation. Discuss the general procedure for the production of alcohol in the industry.


      2. i. What is a low volume, high value product in biotechnology?

          ii. Write about interferons, their applications and a general scheme for the industrial production of interferons.

7. 1. Write the general characteristics of terrestrial plants. Write about the uses of plants to manking.


    2. Write about the definition, criteria, history and process of domestication of some common animals by humans.

8. 1. What is meant by genetically modified crops? Write their role in agriculture with a note on the legitimate                    concerns about transgenic agriculture.


     2. Write about the role of biotechnology in environ mental clean - up processes.

9. 1. Write about the causative agent for diarrhoea, its symptoms, modes of infection and the required preventive                 measures by the government during the outbreak.


   2. Write about different types of tuberculosis, modes of infection, symptoms, common diagnostic tests and causes for its prevalence in India.

10.1.What are vaccines? Write the fundamental concept of vaccination and list some of the compulsory vaccines for             children.


    2. Write about the different types of modern vaccines available today. How are the modern vaccines better than the conventional vaccines?


11 1. Write in detail about various segments of environment.       10


      2. i. Write in detail about the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.     8

          ii. What are the issues involved in the enforcement of environmental legislation and law?     2

12.1. i. Explain about the types of forests present in India.      5

         ii. How are forests helping the human society? Explain.    5


    2. Explain about the mineral resources present in India.       10

13.1.i. What do you understand by the term ecosystem?       1

        ii. Write the structure of ecosystem.        2

       iii. List out different types of aquatic ecosystems  existing in India.    2

        iv. What are the threats to aquatic ecosystems and how can they be conserved?      5


     2. i. What are the threats to Indian biodiversity?       5

         ii. How can Indian biodiversity be conserved?      5

14. 1. As an individual what is your role in the prevention of environmental pollution? Explain.      10


       2. i. Explain the effects of air pollution.      6

           ii. Suggest various measures to control air pollution.     4

15. 1. Write about the following:

        i. Climate change        5

        ii. Acid rain                 5


     2. i. What is the need for the development of wastelands?       2  

        ii. Write about reclamation of wastelands.         8


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