APPSC Gr.I Mains Paper-1 (General Essay) Previous Paper-2017






 i. The question paper is in three sections. Each section has three essay questions. The candidate has to write answers to three essay questions, one from each section compulsorily. Each question carries 50 marks.

 ii. Enough space is available in the Answer Sheet for writing all answers. There is no provision for additional Answer Sheets.

 iii. The candidate has to write his answers in the medium chosen by him only. If there is any deviation from paper to paper or part of the paper, the candidature would become invalid.

iv. Underlining or highlighting or putting special marks in answers would make the Answer Sheet invalid. Writing in different inks would also make the paper invalid. Candidates must use either blue or black ink only. Otherwise, the paper will be treated as invalid.

 v. Though the paper in English is taken as standard for valuation under normal circumstances, if necessary, a balanced view would be taken after comparing English and Telugu versions.



 1. In Stephen Hawking's words, "Mankind must move to outer space within a century". In the backdrop of his prediction, what are the factors leading to pessimism in turning around the global environmental degradation? Discuss.

 2. India is called the "surrogacy hub" of the World. Can commercial try? Evaluate in light of the bill regulating surrogacy pending before the Parliament. surrogacy be seen just as another industry? Evaluate in light of the bill regulating surrogacy pending before the parliament.

 3. "Most of India's college graduates are unemployable," said ex-President Pranab Mukherjee, during his tenure. The crisis in higher education needs to be addressed through policy measures. Comment.



 4. There is a marked shift in India's foreign policy initiatives under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Discuss the important changes and developments.

5. The Constitution of India provides protection to life and liberty of a citizen. At the same time, growing events of terrorism, naxalism and mob violence, underscore the need for stringent laws for control. Discuss the measures to be taken for striking a balance between both.

6. There is a global resurgence of nationalism or right wing. Discuss its implications for democracy and the neo-liberal economic policies.



7. After reorganisation, the State of Andhra Pradesh is without a separate capital. The Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh envisages a world class city. While analysing the progress so far in realising the goal evaluate Amaravati as a "city for all".

 8. 2017 has been declared as the International Year o Sustainable Tourism for development. In this context, discuss the initiatives taken by the Government of Andhra Pradesh for promotion of tourism. What additional steps may be taken to sustain tourism as an industry?

9. Regional disparity is one of the key factors for demand of bifurcation of States in India. In light of this, how can balanced regional development be ensured in the State of Andhra Pradesh?

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